Decorative Image of Power Grid in New York
Igniting innovators to build the best grid for 2030 and beyond


NY Grid CONNECT is advancing innovation across the State and globally to build a low-carbon, reliable, and resilient grid. Our collaborative platform unites a diverse group of stakeholders to define challenges and develop comprehensive solutions targeted to meet the State’s electric grid priorities emerging from the Climate Act Scoping Plan.
NY Grid CONNECT will focus innovation around five priorities:
Iconic representation of 3 Wind turbines on a surface with the word stability below the icon in black color on a blue background
Iconic representation of a shield with the word resilience below it in black color on a yellow background
Iconic representation of a building with windows with the word flexibility below it in black color on a blue background
Iconic representation of a battery with the text Storage as a Grid Asset below it in black color on a gray background
Storage as a Grid Asset
Iconic representation of an electrical tower with wires and the text electrical tower below it in black color on a yellow background
Grid Enhancing Technologies
If you want to join the conversation on how we can build the best grid for New York, visit the Idea Exchange.